2020.11.16 $ uname -a Linux xps-9550 4.19.0-12-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.152-1 (2020-10-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux $ xelatex --version XeTeX 3.14159265-2.6-0.99999 (TeX Live 2019/dev/Debian) kpathsea version 6.3.1/dev Copyright 2018 SIL International, Jonathan Kew and Khaled Hosny. There is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software is covered by the terms of both the XeTeX copyright and the Lesser GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING and the XeTeX source. Primary author of XeTeX: Jonathan Kew. Compiled with ICU version 63.1; using 63.1 Compiled with zlib version 1.2.11; using 1.2.11 Compiled with FreeType2 version 2.9.1; using 2.9.1 Compiled with Graphite2 version 1.3.12; using 1.3.13 Compiled with HarfBuzz version 2.2.0; using 2.3.1 Compiled with libpng version 1.6.34; using 1.6.36 Compiled with poppler version 0.68.0 Compiled with fontconfig version 2.13.1; using 2.13.1